eISSN: 2353-9461
ISSN: 0860-7796
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vol. 98

Temporal expression of three conserved putative microRNAs in response of Citrus × Limon to Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri and Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. Aurantifolii

Milad Alizadeh
Hossein Askari
Massod Soltani Najafabadi

  1. Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
  2. Oil Seeds Research Department, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran
BioTechnologia vol. 98(3) C pp. 257-264 C 2017
Online publish date: 2018/01/02
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Citrus canker is a widespread bacterial disease that severely affects Citrus production. Xanthomonas spp. are the causative agents of the disease, which manifests as necrotic pustule-like lesions on the plant organs including leaves, fruits, and stems. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are well-established post-transcriptional gene expression regulators that modulate plant responses during many stress conditions. Accordingly, some bacteria-responsive miRNAs have been shown to have regulatory functions in the plant-pathogen interactions. In this study, we successfully assessed the expression patterns of three conserved miRNAs: miR159, miR167, and miR398, in Citrus × Limon (lemon) infiltrated with Xanthomonas strains A and C using stem-loop RT-qPCR. Our results showed that the expressions of miR159 and mir167 have nearly similar patterns upon inoculations, while the expression of miR398 remains constantly up-regulated after an early induction.

lemon, Citrus canker, conserved miRNAs, stem-loop RT-PCR, temporal expression

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