eISSN: 2353-9461
ISSN: 0860-7796
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vol. 95
Review paper

Molecular mechanisms of lead toxicity

Maciej Szymański

vol. 95(2) C pp. 137-149 C 2014
Online publish date: 2015/01/29
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Lead is a ubiquitous xenobiotic metal and because of its widespread industrial use is one of the most serious environmental

pollutants. Lead is highly toxic and exposure to even low doses can produce adverse effects on all

living organisms. In humans, lead exposure can affect virtually all body systems, resulting in severe health problems.

On a molecular level, lead can alter or interfere with the activity of proteins and nucleic acids, ultimately

resulting in changes in cell metabolism and physiology leading to pathologic states. Lead can also affect the

functions of macromolecules, directly or indirectly, by inducing oxidative stress, which is regarded as a primary

factor in pathophysiology of lead exposure.

lead toxicity, heavy metal, oxidative stress, RNA damage, DNA damage, genomic instability

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