eISSN: 2719-3209
ISSN: 0023-2157
Klinika Oczna / Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica
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vol. 106


The influence of rilmenidine on intraocular pressure in rabbits. Interaction with efaroxan and rauwolscine

Marta Misiuk-Hojło, Marek Szaliński, Anna Merwid-Ląd, Małgorzata Trocha, Małgorzata Pieśniewska
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Original paper

Patient’s pain feeling and surgeon’s comfort: ECCE versus phacoemulsification

Jakub J. Kałużny, Iwona Eliks, Andrzej Mierzejewski, Bartłomiej Kałużny
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Original paper

Premises and preoperative causes of posterior capsule rupture during cataract surgery

Alfred Warczyński, Lech Gawron, Aleksandra Usowska, Arkadiusz Goś, Andrzej Stankiewicz
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Original paper

Posterior capsule opacification as a complication of the posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation

Danuta Karczewicz, Elżbieta Pieńkowska-Machoy, Monika Modrzejewska, Jolanta Gronkowska, Zofia Sylwestrzak
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Original paper

Late results in the treatment of traumatic cataract

Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Original paper

Evaluation of eye total aberration in patients with keratoconus

Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Case report

Secondary glaucoma due to the progressive iris atrophy. Century after the first disease dscription. Case report

Piotr Jurowski, Roman Goś, Andrzej Kapica, Małgorzata Zdzieszyńska
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Case report

Is every iris pigment lesion melanoma? Case report

Ga­brie­la De­lon­g, Ar­tur Smo­liń­ski, Sta­ni­sła­wa Gie­rek­-Ci­aci­ura
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Review article

Contemporary anesthesia in cataract surgery

Jó­zef Ka­łuż­ny, Bar­tło­miej Ka­łuż­ny
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Review article

Neovascularization in ocular tissues: mechanisms and role of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors

Je­rzy Z. No­wak, An­na Wik­to­row­ska­-O­wcz­arek
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Review article

A new approach towards pathogenesis, diagnostics, natural course and complications of optic disc drusen

Iwo­na Obu­chow­ska, Zo­fia Ma­riak
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Review article

Ocular metastases of solid extraocular tumours. Frequency of ocular metastases and localization of primary foci

Ka­ta­rzy­na Kró­lew­ska, Ol­gierd Pa­la­cz, Sta­ni­sław Za­ją­cze­k
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Review article

Coexistence of Alzheimer’s disease with pseudoexfoliation syndrom PEX

Bar­ba­ra Re­niew­ska, Mał­go­rza­ta Mu­lak, Mar­ta Mi­siu­k-Ho­jło, Ewa Ko­stuś
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Review article

Visual system involvement in selected zoonotic diseases. I. Ocular toxocarosis

Ja­ro­sław Ko­cięc­ki, Wan­da Ko­cięc­ka
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Review article

Optical coherence tomography in diagnosis of retinal diseases in children and adolescents

Małgorzata Mru­gacz, Ali­na Ba­ku­no­wi­cz-Ł­aza­rczyk
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Review article

Application of WASCA analyzer in refractive surgery

Do­ro­ta Wy­glę­dow­ska­-Pr­omie­ńska, Iza­be­la Za­woj­ska
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
Educational article

A state of ophthalmology in ancient Rome

Lech Bieganowski
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
In memoriam

WSPOMNIENIE Lek. med. Krzysztof Maciejewski (1953-2003)

Lech Bieganowski
Online publish date: 2004-02-21
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